

(+057) 313-733-7952


Av. 3AN # 54N-21, Cali, Colombia


At West Química, we continuously evolve and transform, ensuring our solutions align with environmental care and the ultimate goal of protecting the most valuable treasure: life in all its forms.

We are a Colombian company with over 43 years of experience, specializing in developing biosecurity protocols for healthcare institutions, food processing plants, and livestock operations. We provide solutions for phytosanitary control, agricultural mixture optimization, metal surface treatment, and industrial maintenance processes, all supported by advanced technologies in harmony with the environment.

Our portfolio is built on research, development, and innovation in new technologies, resulting in high-quality products. Combined with excellent technical service, this enables us to provide ongoing support to all our clients.

Delivering comprehensive development and solution alternatives to our clients and partners has become a vital commitment for West Química. Today, we continue to enhance our human and technical resources to foster an increasingly competitive and productive environment.


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