

(+057) 313-733-7952


Av. 3AN # 54N-21, Cali, Colombia

Single conveyer

On a single conveyor, the products are transported continuously through the line without the possibility of changing track.

Application and use

The conveyor system works in all environments up to 250oC.


The products or items are hanging from the chain in suitable jigs; one or more driving units pulls them through the line.

The number of driving units needed depends on the maximum load of the conveyor and the geometry of the overall layout of the line.

In order to compensate for heat expansion and wear, the systems are equipped with pneumatic expansion units.


The chain has smooth-running wheels and runs in the c-profile. For each link in the chain, a product or item can be hung or a fixture can be mounted. The profile can be turned with the opening upwards to avoid pollution of the products from the chain/rail. One or more driving units pulls the chain, and they are constructed to transmit maximum power to the chain and give minimum abrasion.

The speed of the chain can be steples adjusted by means of a frequency inverter. A pneumatic tensioning device keeps the chain tense.

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